The Skyline Lacrosse Club is excited to host a 3 V 3 Chumash for Kindergarten through 8th Grade players on November 20th from 9:30am-noon at Skyline Playfields. We have partnered with the Issaquah Food Bank on a food drive to help provide food to kids and families in our community. We ask each participating player to bring any of the following food items (must be unopened, and unexpired);

Hearty Soup (Progresso, Campbell’s Chunky, etc.) Chili Canned Pasta Peanut Butter Canned Tuna Canned Chicken Protein Drinks (individual servings) Protein Bars (Protein Kind Bars, Protein Clif Bars, etc.) Pasta Pasta Sauce White Rice (2 lb bags only, please) Hamburger Helper / Pasta Roni / Rice a Roni Ramen Canned Fruit Canned Vegetables Pancake Mix (regular and gluten free) Condiments (ketchup, mustard, syrup, soy sauce, jam), regular not jumbo sized, please Crackers Individual snacks for kids lunches Coffee (not decaf) Cooking oil (16-20 oz bottles only please) Cereal

What is Chumash? Chumash is a fast-paced lacrosse game played with two teams of 3 players each. There is one goal in the center of the field.
The purpose is for a team to score on its respective side of the goal.

We will have Lightening, 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 games. Teams will be formed at the field. Helmets and gloves are required. Short sticks only. Please bring a Skyline reversible pinnie/jersey if you have one. Our High School players will be there to help and cheer on the youth players.

Come play, have some fun, donate some food, and be a part of the Skyline Lacrosse Community!

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